Alternative Licensure Program

Please contact Jennifer Sanchez-Mason, Talent Development Coordinator, for more information.



South Central BOCES offers CDE-approved induction programs for initially-licensed teachers, special service providers, principals, and administrators. Induction is required by the state of Colorado to advance from an initial to a professional educator license.

SC BOCES induction programs extend over one complete school year, and include orientation, mentoring, professional learning experiences, and focused reflection. Components of the educator evaluation system (supervisor conferences and goal setting) are also incorporated. All required sessions—other than orientation—are conducted virtually.

Induction programming is complimentary for employees of SC BOCES and its member districts. Mentors are selected and compensated by each inductee’s employer.

Please contact Dr. Angela Powers, Director of Talent Development (; 719-733-7765) for further information or to enroll (by September 1).